Dominicans Bring Presidential Power to the Big Parade on 6th Avenue

15 Aug
Let the Celebration Begin

In the 41 year history of the Dominican Day Parade, this was the first time that a sitting President marched in the parade. The hundreds of thousands of Dominicans lined up the parade route on 6th Avenue from 37th to 55th streets eager to catch a glimpse of President Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona. Some even chanted out..Four More Years…. to the incumbent President. It truly was a special NY moment and helped build a better bridge between the nearly million Dominicans living in the Tri State and the mother land of Dominican Republic. Although there was a delay in the start of the parade, the raucous crowd was well entertained with plenty of music and dance.

President Luis Abinader waving to the Crowd
Police Officers from various parts of the Dominican Republic
NYC Firefighter Knows How to Work the Crowd

As usual, the mounted police let the crowd know the parade was about to get under way. The thousands of marchers made their way to a stage and reviewing stand was set up along with television stations NBC and Univision broadcasting to their viewing audience across the globe. NY politicians including Governor Hochel, NYC Mayor Adams, AG Leticia James and US Senator Chuck Schumer made their way up the parade route. They were soon followed by Dominican President Luis Abinader and his contingency. Many traditional costumes were worn by marchers. There was plenty of merengue, bachata and dembow to keep the parade alive and kicking. Two of the biggest stars to appear in the parade were bachata star Natti Natasha and merengue legend Tono Rosario. The crowd went nuts when they started singing some of their more popular songs.

Merengue star Tono Rosario works the Crowd
Natti Natasha Feels the Love from the Crowd.

Lechoners Looking for some Mischief

Dominicans have always had a reputation for playing loud music from their cars and this parade was no exception. Some cars had panels of speakers playing from the top of the car roof so loud it can be heard from the top of the Empire State Building. There were plenty of corporate sponsors giving away freebies to the happy crowd. Some traditional cultural costumes were on display when the Lechoneros came by with whips in hand and cracking it when they had the chance. All in all it was a fun and loud parade. Here are some of the best highlights of the parade. Que Viva La Patria!!!!!

Hasta La Proxima!!!

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